Hull Blacking

To help reduce the impact of corrosion on the boats hull we recommend a regular inspection and blacking programme is maintained.
On gentling slipping your boat from the water using our hydraulic trailer we then proceed to power wash the hull to remove any growth, dirt and other debris.
As part of the maintenance programme we inspect the hull for galvanic corrosion and damage. We offer advise about anode replacement.

We will also inspect the stern gear, rudder and propeller.

  • We apply two coats of Blacking to the hull once cleaned.
  • Cleaning is firstly by water and then by mechanical intervention, (wire wheel or grinder)
  • The standard product we use is International Intertuf 16(Please note that due to a factory fire we can not always source this at present)
  • This is all done in our dry, temperature controlled workshop

Our present cost is set at £ 17.50/Ft inclusive of VAT

Should you wish the use of a different blacking product we would be happy to discuss and provide an alternative cost

Please note a minimum length applies

Hull Blacking

Regular hull blacking is essential to reduce corrosion of your boat's hull and should be carried out every couple of years. While your boat is out of the water we will also check the state of the anodes and advise if replacement is necessary.

Just £17.50 per foot (inc. VAT)